Exquisite Attire

Some women love to shop. Me, not so much. It doesn’t help that my age places me somewhere between Rue 21 and Chico’s; no offense if you like Chico’s…

Also, the fact that I’m a single mom who has many bills every month puts my clothing budget far below my taste. I walk past Banana Republic, Kate Spade, and Ann Taylor while gazing longingly through the glass at the beautiful dresses on display.

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The One Hour Daily Phone Use Challenge

two men on a balcony overlooking the city, on man looking at his phone

There’s a popular saying that’s been going around for several years now: “What you despise in others, you despise in yourself” (and numerous variations thereof). I can vouch for the validity of this quote because I HATE seeing someone playing on their cell phone. It bugs the fire out of me! For years, all I had was a flip phone. I refused to get a smart phone because I didn’t want to turn into “one of them”.

Continue reading The One Hour Daily Phone Use Challenge