Just a Memory

two shadow-like figures walking down a desert road at sunset

I remember my first friend in kindergarten, Kelly Veach. I also remember my first crush at five years old, Scotty.


I remember once at Six Flags, waiting in a line for 45 minutes or so. I was about 14 years old, and there was a boy named Carry that my cousin and I were flirting with.

I went home and wrote on a piece of paper, “Remember Carry”. Honestly, I didn’t think I would, but 26 years later, I still remember his name and wonder what happened to him.

Farm Boy

Another time, we were all driving down the highway through the country- I was about 12 years old- and there was a boy working on a farm. I only saw him for a couple seconds, but decades later I’m still curious where he is now.

My Students

I work at four different schools, in charge of the health information for about 1500 kids. Most of them I only know on paper. A while back, I had a conversation with a high school student about her wanting to become a nurse. I will probably never know what path she takes in life.

Will she become a nurse?Will she shy away from it because of something I said? Will she come back and thank me five years from now for the advice I gave? Only time will tell, but I likely will never see her again.

A Beautiful Mystery

I’ve had people who follow me on social media that I don’t even know from other parts of the country tell me that the things I post inspire and encourage them.

My point is: you may never know who’s watching you or what seemingly random thing you say to a stranger might be remembered for a lifetime. It’s haunting and very sad sometimes, but also a beautiful mystery.

Published by

Yolanda Sommers

Single mother of four children living in Washington state. Received the precious Holy Ghost on June 7, 2011 and living the good life ever since!

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