Daniel’s Fast Compliant 3-Ingredients, 3-Minutes Oatmeal

cereal, oatmeal on a spoon

I like oatmeal. I used to use the instant oatmeal packets because they were fast and easy. Some of them are even portioned for 100 calories, which made it even better in my opinion.

But one day, I wanted to start a 21-day Daniel’s fast and soon learned that my oatmeal packets were off limits. So, the search was on to find a clean, Daniel’s fast approved oatmeal recipe.

I was soon thrilled to find not only a great tasting recipe, but a fast one too! Quick meals are important when you are a single working mother of four children…

*Note- this recipe uses fruit cups packed in 100% juice which contain ascorbic acid and citric acid. These two are natural preservatives and are allowed on the Daniel’s fast plan according to my research. If you choose not to use fruit cups, simply substitute with fresh fruit instead. I choose to use fruit cups because they are faster than fruit prep and the juice adds sweetness without extra sugar.*


  • 1 peach or pear fruit cup in 100% juice or about 2/3 cup fresh fruit
  • 1/2 old fashioned oats
  • A few dashes of cinnamon
  • A sprinkle of chopped nuts (optional)

Place the oatmeal in a bowl and sprinkle with cinnamon. Add fruit and about 1 cup of water. Stir well. Microwave on high for three minutes. You may need to cook it a little longer or add more water depending on your microwave wattage and the consistency that you prefer. Sprinkle with chopped pecans or walnuts if desired. Enjoy your oatmeal!

For a list of all the Daniel fast approved and off limits foods, please click here.

For all things Daniel Fast, please visit this amazing resource that I’ve used for years.

Published by

Yolanda Sommers

Single mother of four children living in Washington state. Received the precious Holy Ghost on June 7, 2011 and living the good life ever since!

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